Message for November 26, 2017 from Pastor Shirley

     The message I ministered last week (Ministers of Truth) must

have shook the kingdom of darkness. I won’t go into detail of what I have experienced this week. God is faithful and I refuse to be silent. I have chosen to speak every day Romans 8:31 “What then shall we say to all these things? If God is for us (me), who can be [successful] against us (me)?”

     We as sons and daughters of God have been given a voice to speak forth into the darkness of the World. We are the voice of God in the earth. As God’s representative on the earth, He has given us the authority to speak for Him. I believe that we are living in strategic times and the Lord is prompting us to be the voice of truth that will bring breakthrough. The enemy wants to silence your voice because we have been given and know the “truth” that will set people free.”

     What is it that the enemy is using to try to silence your voice with;-a debt that you are concerned about how;-it is going to get paid; an ongoing health issue;-a child that is going the opposite way you have taught them;-a job that is struggle to go to every day;-a stronghold in your life that seems you cannot get victory over. The enemy uses every day life situations to shut us down, to silence our voice. If God’s Word is truth, why are you still struggling? Why are you having to go through what you are going through? These are the whispers of the enemy to silence you. After all how can you speak truth to someone else when you seem to can’t get the Word to work for you.

     Don’t allow what you have not had a breakthrough in yet to silence your voice. Be a voice to someone else’s breakthrough and watch as God brings what you have been believing for to manifestation.

     Believing and speaking truth is to trust God. Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart And do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].

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