Message for January 25, 2015 from Pastor Jerry

Meditate On

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.

Psalm 139:14


   You Are God’s Masterpiece


  The Bible says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, a marvelous work of God. Do you believe that? Or are you saying, “I wish I were taller. I wish I were slimmer. I wish I had a smaller nose…then I will find success”?

   My friend, don’t base your self-worth and ability to succeed on your looks or people’s negative comments. Don’t compare yourself with others—the models in fashion magazines and others in the public eye that seem to have it all together because of their looks. I’m certainly not advocating shabbiness, but whatever your height, weight or nose size, you are what God says you are—His masterpiece, fearfully and wonderfully made!

     Begin to see your true self and worth in the mirror of His Word, and praise Him for it daily. It will cause you to treat your body well and give you such an inner beauty and strength that people can’t help but want to treat you favorably!    Joseph Prince


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