Message for February 19, 2017 from Pastor Shirley

“But God” a phrase used 43 times in the Scriptures. When we read the “BUT GOD” in the Bible it reminds us of the merciful interventions of our God. Two words that indicate that something is about to change.

Everyone of us have encountered circumstances in our lives where we just feel like throwing in the towel and walking away- “But God”! You may be feeling that way today – “But God”!

How many times have you turned off the TV of your favorite sporting event because your team was not winning. Then you found out later there was a miraculous turnaround in the last few seconds. Things can change in a blink of an eye in your favor. Stayed tuned in to the whole game. If you decide to quit too soon and walk away you will never see the victory that God promised is yours.

Too many times we look through our eyes and can only see the bad news, our failures, or what people may be saying. At times it may seem as if we are losing. “But God” wants you to have his perspective. Put on Kingdom glasses and see through the Word that God is on your side.

We read in the Bible as different situations came up in people’s lives and what could have happen there is “But, God”. Every “But God” we read in the Bible reveals to us good news.

My flesh and my heart may fail, “But God” is the strength of my heart and my portion forever”. Psalms 72:26

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