Message for May 13, 2018 from Pastor Shirley

Happy Mothers Day!

    In the very nature of GOD, there is a mother’s heart.          There is a Greek word “storge” which means a strong natural affection. This “storge” love is that which nurtures and comforts us in tenderness and compassion. This has been present since the beginning of time, even in the creation of the world. The church has looked at the masculine qualities and that seems to be what has been portrayed a lot of over the years but God said, “Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness…in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them” (Gen. 1:26-27)

      It takes both parts the masculine and feminine nature of God to give us a complete image of who He is. Today God wants us to know and experience His tender gentle loving nature and see fully who He is.

      His name is El-Shaddai, means all -breasted One, which is a prophetic picture of our God being a place of comfort and nurture. Jesus came to reveal the Father to us and He dwelt in the bosom (in the intimate presence) of the Father.

       John 1:18 No one has ever gazed upon the fullness of God’s splendor  except the uniquely beloved Son, who is in the bosom of the Father.  Now he has unfolded to us the full explanation of who God truly is! The word bosom speaks of the breast, close to the heart, kindness tender affections or embrace.

      Many will not be able to celebrate Mother’s day with a joyful heart for various reasons. Your mother may have not been there for you or there was never a mother figure in your life. But God has never abandoned nor has He forsaken you. If you will allow Him, He will pour “storge” love into the barren, wounded areas of your soul.

      Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;your walls are ever before me.  Isaiah 49:1-16

     Embrace not only the masculine heart of God but the feminine heart of God.

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