Message for August 28, 2016 from Pastor Shirley

When we think of God, we think great, grand or magnificent.  After all He is God that stood in the middle of nothing and began to speak and created everything. When I consider my life, I have come to understand that what I have to give does not to be grand, great or magnificent.

    So many times we look at the bigger as better. But a little is alot to God. He specializes  in the small things. The things that may look and seem insignificant to us. We are to be faithful to give even if it seems as little to us. The Bible tells us to give. It does not say you have to give a lot to receive. It simply says give and it shall be given unto you. He is the one who will multiply what we give. Who knows what God will do with your little if you can just get it into His hands!

    In Mark chapter 6 the mother that packed a little lunch that day had no idea that it would be used to feed as many as twenty thousand people. Jesus could have fed the multitude with nothing. He could have made bread and fish float down from the clouds if He wanted to. But he chose to use what was given to Him. Jesus was the Lord of the little that day, and He is still the Lord of the little today.

    What is in your hands to give? Do you hold back from giving because it seems so little to you? God uses the little things we choose to give him to accomplish His purposes. Not only for us the give but that to which we are faithful to give to.

    Bring your talents and abilities and place them in His hands and watch Him began to use you. God specializes in taking these clay bodies and using them for His glory.

    Get your little into the hands of the  great, grand and magnificent One! He is still Lord of the little!

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